
Preparing Your Pool for a Hurricane: Do's and Don'ts

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Preparing Your Pool for a Hurricane: Do’s and Don’ts

Living in Sarasota, FL, means enjoying beautiful weather most of the year, but it also means being prepared for hurricane season. As a pool owner, there are specific steps you need to take to protect your pool and equipment from the potential damage a hurricane can bring. Knowing what to do—and what not to do—can make a significant difference in minimizing storm damage. Here’s a guide to help you prepare your pool for a hurricane.

Do’s: Essential Steps to Protect Your Pool

1. Remove Debris from the Pool Deck

Before the storm hits, make sure to clear your pool deck of any loose items that could become projectiles. This includes:

  • Pool toys
  • Furniture
  • Potted plants
  • Any other loose objects

By removing these items, you can prevent them from causing damage to your pool, home, or neighboring properties.

2. Turn Off Pool Equipment at the Breaker

Hurricanes can cause power surges and outages that may damage your pool equipment. To protect it, turn off all pool equipment at the breaker, including:

  • Pumps
  • Motors
  • Heaters
  • Chlorinators

Turning off the equipment will help prevent electrical damage.

3. Shock Your Pool or Superchlorinate

Before the storm arrives, it’s a good idea to shock your pool or set the salt system to superchlorinate. This extra chlorine will help keep your pool water clean and prevent contamination from debris and runoff that may enter your pool during the storm.

4. Secure Pool Cover, If Applicable

If you have a pool cover, make sure it is securely fastened. However, be aware that high winds could potentially damage the cover. Consider whether it’s safer to leave the pool uncovered depending on the severity of the storm and the type of cover you have.

Don’ts: Common Mistakes to Avoid

1. Don’t Drain a Significant Amount of Water

It might seem logical to lower the water level in your pool to prepare for heavy rain, but this can actually cause more harm than good. The water in your pool provides weight to hold it in place. If you drain too much water, your pool could become buoyant and pop out of the ground due to the rising water table from the storm. Learn more about why you shouldn’t drain your pool.

2. Don’t Put Furniture in the Pool

Some people think placing patio furniture and other heavy items in the pool can keep them safe from high winds. This is a myth. Putting furniture in the pool can cause damage to the pool surface and structure. Instead, store furniture and other items in a secure location, such as a garage or shed. Find more tips on preparing your pool.

Additional Tips for Hurricane Preparation

  • Check Your Insurance: Review your homeowner’s and pool insurance policies to understand what is covered in the event of storm damage.
  • Document Your Pool Area: Take photos of your pool and surrounding area before the storm. This documentation can be helpful if you need to file an insurance claim for damage.
  • Plan for After the Storm: Have a post-storm plan in place for cleaning up debris and getting your pool back in shape. This includes scheduling a professional pool service if necessary. Read more about hurricane pool preparation.

We Are Here To Help!

Preparing your pool for a hurricane involves a combination of proactive steps and avoiding common mistakes. By removing debris, turning off equipment, and properly treating your pool water, you can help protect your investment and ensure a quicker recovery after the storm. Remember, don’t drain too much water or place furniture in the pool, as these actions can lead to more damage. Stay safe this hurricane season, and if you need professional assistance, don’t hesitate to contact On-Time Pool Service at (941) 224-0404 or visit our website at On-Time Pool Service.

By following these guidelines, you can better protect your pool and property from the potential impacts of a hurricane, ensuring that you’re ready to enjoy your pool as soon as the storm passes.